A Drawn-out Conflict, 2005, video, color, sound, total running time 86 minutes
A Drawn-out Conflict merges the movies Wild Style and Fast Times at Ridgemont High to create a feature-length amalgam of two distinct forms of youth culture from 1982. The films were selected for their oppositional nature and averaged together to a median length and equal opacity. Audio tracks for each film were isolated and panned hard right and hard left, respectively.
“The viewer of A Drawn-out Conflict is confronted with a visual and auditory battle of East Coast Wild Style versus West Coast Fast Times, the South Bronx versus the Valley. Locations, budgets, filmmaking style, stereotypes, and racial composition of the cast could not be more divergent; nevertheless, from love scenes to credits, the plots of the two films overlap at major benchmarks, revealing a surprising formulaic style embedded in each movie.” – L.L. Pendersen