Ritorno a Lisca Bianca, 2003–2005, video, black and white, sound, total running time 2 minutes and 30 seconds, looped
Travel to the Aeolian Islands north of Sicily, the island of Lisca Bianca specifically, to find the character Anna who disappeared from Michelangelo Antonioni's film L'Avventura and accidentally go to the wrong island (Bottaro). Return a year later to the correct island and swim ashore with a video camera in a plastic garbage bag, only to find nothing of interest except for red ants attacking black, shiny beetles. The film is comprised of five simultaneously running vignettes detailing the stages of the journey; however, synchronized audio is only available for each vignette for 30 seconds out of the film’s 2 minute and 30 second total. The film's audio shifts one vignette to the right every 30 seconds, traveling across the film and mirroring the journey itself. The soundtrack is in part constructed from video camera recordings while accidentally left on inside of the garbage bag.